“Mapping Spacetime” is an experimental audiovisual research that delves into improvised performances in public spaces. The series draws its name from the concept in physics which highlights the interconnectedness of time and space, reflecting the fusion of these two elements within the fabric of our existence. Utilizing the medium of projection mapping and sound art, artists create soundscapes that are intricately intertwined with responsive visual elements. Embracing the spontaneity and fluidity of the unscripted, performances celebrate the uninterrupted flow of energy in physical, mental, and audio-visual planes.
Sanja Star (sonic illustration, objects, action)
Grgur Savic (objects, small electronics, action)
Location: 51.4556° N, 7.0116° E (Essen, Germany)
Saturday, September 30, 2023 action AV performance in the hotel lobby

“Euclid mission“ is a video work representing Euclid space-based mission - the first mission dedicated to studying dark energy and dark matter with the primary objectives of measuring the acceleration of the universe. The visuals explore the combination of light and dark structures. As these concepts are explored, the artwork raises questions of causality and the power of research. 
Animations are triggered by different sound frequencies, with 5Hz representing 5% ordinary matter, 25Hz representing 25% dark matter, and 70Hz representing 70% dark energy. Accompanied by auditory frequencies of 5 Hz, 25 Hz, and 70 Hz, the AV artwork provides a mesmerizing sense of mystery and exploration, as the visuals become alive with each passing frequency.
The environment these visuals are contained in is dark, dynamic, shifting and changing in a way that reflects the space-based mission, exploration and research. The imagery is abstract and expansive, emphasizing the mystery and grand scale of the universe. “Euclid mission“ aims to present the vastness of the unknown, and the beauty behind our curiosity and the immense focus of scientists trying to make sense of the universe. By the end of the experience, viewers are left to reflect on the mysterious universe and the role we have in exploring it.
“Scientists discovered that the distribution and movement of objects in the Universe, like stars and galaxies, are affected by the presence of two invisible entities that they named dark matter and dark energy. These names indicate that the scientists do not know what these forms of matter and energy are. If we want to understand the Universe we live in, we need to learn more about the details of these ‘dark’ entities and uncover their nature.” ESA

“to see the unseeable” is a audiovisual research through a combination of field recordings with electromagnetic sensors and digital art.
This project delves into the hidden realms of existence and the invisible forces that surround us. The series pays particular attention to the interaction between technology and the natural world, showcasing the subtle interplay between the man-made and the organic. It explores how human-made electromagnetic fields from power lines, Wi-Fi networks, and other sources coexist with the natural electromagnetic phenomena produced by the earth, the atmosphere, and living organisms.
By presenting this unseen and unheard world through a creative lens, “to see the unseeable” series invites us to embrace a deeper understanding of the hidden forces that shape our world. 

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